Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Grandis's comment for the Marin Real Estate Blog

To the original point about the fact that we are talking about AIG bonuses versus the FED printing money; I think it's a very sad indication of our collective (lack of) intelligence. Of all the overhauling, bailout, government interventions, I think we desperately need an overhaul of the “free” Press. It seems to me that the press much prefers reporting on what “pundits” (windbags) have to say instead of actual stories. What happened to investigative reporting? The truth is we are very clearly not a serious or sophisticated people. Democrats and Republicans. Printing money may not lead to a post WWI OR WW2 Germany with people running through the streets with wheel barrels worth of worthless money. But printing money is FAR from an exact science and the truth is you never know what it could lead to. Fingers crossed that it won’t lead to an even worse situation.In regards to bailing out specific institutions I don’t think it’s a one size fits all situation. The Fed (or another institution) needs the authority to take over AIG. Then as quickly as possible that @ss clown of a company needs to be broken up and spun off. NEVER again should companies be allowed to be so large that their failure can kill the entire economy. RIDICULOUS THAT THIS WAS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN! Detroit should go into bankruptcy so that a judge can order a reshuffling of management and renegotiate everything. We all know that is going to happen anyway. As far as propping up the banks goes; right now they (Citi, BofA, etc.) are already half@ssedely nationalized. I think that right now time will tell if the Fed will go all in. They may have to, but I think they are desperately hoping the stimulus will make that unnecessary. When people talk about letting the banks fail, I don’t think that is a reality that will ever happen. Therefore I think it is a waste of time to discuss and another distraction.

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